Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010 Memories

Sweet Boys having a blast in Louisiana for Christmas!

Callen chewing on Mammaw's finger!

Callen learning to clap with Pappaw
Mems stealing sweet kisses!

Will "playing" dominoes with Pops! Pretty soon he'll be big enough to play chicken trail with the grown ups, but for now building with Pops is just as fun!

Callen gets kisses from Rebel (his dog cousin)

Brad and Will "texting" on their iphones.
Best Friends....Mamaw and Kirby

Callen meets his great grandfather for the first time

Sweet Kisses!

Mamaw and Papaw with their grandkids

Sweet Papaw... Gates William

Sweet memories and sweet smiles

Superman Snuggie! So funny!

Ethan and his Aunt Tracey

It was a DS Christmas! 3 Cheers for DS!

Callen meets his Uncle Brad for the first time.

Ethan and Will play a little basketball with their cousin Christopher.

Yay for Super Heroes and Santa Claus. He is the best!

Merry Christmas and Good Morning Ethan! Guess What? Santa Came!

Callen liked the wrapping on his new DVD the most!

I'm Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace!

Waiting to see what Santa brought

The day finally arrived! Ethan got his DS! Thank you Santa!

Merry Christmas and Good Morning Will! Guess What? Santa Came!!!!

Santa visited the Bozeman house!

Christmas Eve after our church Christmas Eve Service. Trying to get a good picture with three little ones in their Christmas Eve outfits seems to be impossible or not! Love those sweet faces even if they can not all look in the same direction for just one second!

My WHOLE Family at Christmas!

My sister, my Mamaw, and me showing off our 147 million orphan necklaces


Lauren said...

Loved looking through these pictures, Kandy! Your family (all of them) are so precious!