Saturday, January 1, 2011

Us In A Decade

In the last 10 years we have had.......

2 graduations
1 marriage
1 move to a new state
2 first-ever jobs
1 apartment complex
1 new furry addition to our family
2 houses
3 zip codes
1 new church family
3 births of beautiful baby boys
2 career changes
4 deaths of grandparents
5 employers
3 elementary schools

11 surprise, but quite embarrassing

Happy New Year Friends!

What did your last 10 years look like?


Mindy said...

you do realize that's more than one car per year right? ha, ha! and LOVE your new necklaces from 147! I was so excited to get my first 147 shirt - not sure i'll be able to wash it fast enough!